Sunday 22 October 2017

Invisible Cities - Reflective statement

These past five weeks have shown me a lot, mostly that I am absolutely terrible at time management which is something I am going to try my best to fix, which mostly means starting what I need to start and asking for clarification if I need it and not sitting around and trying to figure it out by myself.
I think I've improved with environment design, as that was something I struggled with.
I need to work harder with Maya, because I'm still struggling but that means just getting stuck in and getting everything done.
Life drawing has helped improve my figure drawing, and helped me realise a way around a common problem I always had whilst drawing people, which is making the head to big, because I had a tutor once who told us to always start with drawing the head, but when I draw the head first I make the body too small in comparison, so drawing the head last is actually better for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dante - a bit concerned re. the lack of WIM stuff on here (indeed the lack of any stuff on here...). Drop me an email and let me know how you're getting on. It's OGR time after all, and this is one way I can help students manage their time and their projects effectively... get in touch please.


Fantastic Voyage - OGR1