Tuesday 19 September 2017

Autodesk Maya - Lesson one

For out first lesson of Autodesk Maya we were taught the basics, most of which I can remember, but I struggled a lot with it.
The controls for Autodesk Maya are much different to most drawing programs I'm used to, which isn't that surprising seeing as it's a different type of program, but it made it very hard for me to try and learn it.
We spent the first part of the lesson just playing with the different tools, which just produced some strange boxes, and then for the last part of the lesson we were told to create a house with dormer windows.
This is the result of being told how to make it.

And this is the result of getting frustrated because I couldn't figure it out before we were told how to do it.

I call it my '3D Type Contemporary House'.


  1. It's early days yet, Dante :)
    Good to see you getting your attempts on here straight away!

  2. You've broken the seal, Dante - congrats - make peace with the fact Maya is hard. It is 'officially' difficult - make peace with that and practice and don't let it become 'a thing'. Finding Maya difficult is completely normal :)


Fantastic Voyage - OGR1